Senior Lead Industrial Designer

Design Trend Forecasting

I gather information on color, texture, technology, and market movement to create an annual Trend Report to give insight into what will be on-trend in the coming years. The report identifies Interior Design and Fashion Plumbing market trends and conditions that allow the company to prepare for changes in consumer behavior and technology used to adapt operations and the Product Roadmap.

To collect the information, I rely on various information sources. For example, I’m actively engaging in discussing tomorrow’s trends and technology with industry experts from around the world. I travel globally and visit international trade shows such as KBIS, KBC, ISH, and the Milan Design Week to produce reports to share with my team. Much information is also coming through the internet, online trend sources, blogs, and social media. Ultimately, all data is funneled through and reduced to the essence to tell a story, with the design intent to inspire the company’s clients.


Packaging & Graphic Design